Frequently Asked Questions

Below you can find answers to frequently asked questions about MSc degree in Mechatronics.



In the upper tab, click on ‘Courses’ and then in the left tab on ‘My Elective Subjects’. There you can choose your specialization by clicking ‘Select electives’.

• It is only needed in General Mechatronics .

• In all other specialisations, customised study and examination plans are only needed for specific requests, recognitions and special combinations.

• Should you have more questions, please get in touch with the Departmental Student Advisory Service .

Before the start of the semester abroad, a preliminary recognition must be arranged with the lecturer of the subject. The required document can be downloaded following this link: Preliminary recognition of modules . For more information visit the website of the Department etit.

In accordance with the decisions made by the Senate of TU Darmstadt, the work placement / internship is no longer required as a compulsory component in the etit, MEC and iCE degree programmes for anyone who is enrolling in the respective Master’s degree programme from WiSe 2020/21. There is therefore no obligation to provide proof. Students who are already registered in the Master's degree programme have been informed accordingly. For Prüfungsordnungen (examination regulations) from 2020 onwards, please read the Ordnung (regulations) of “your specific” degree programme to get complete and valid information.

Counting of Subjects

‘Advanced Dynamics’ (Höhere Maschinendynamik) and ‘Structural dynamics’ (Strukturdynamik) are equivalent, so you have to select the module ‘System Dynamics and Automatic Control Systems III’ (Systemdynamik und Reglungstechnik III) in the elective area ‘Dynamic Systems’ (Dynamische Systeme) of the Master’s degree programme.

In that case, an alternative subject of FB 16 has to be wisely selected. For example, ‘Fluid Mechanics for Mechatronics’ (Strömungslehre für die Mechatronik, Einführung in die Hydrodynamik), which has not been mandatory in the former examination regulations of the Bachelor of Mechatronics.

If you want to deviate from the given study and examination master template and choose other subjects, an customised study and examination plan has to be verified and confirmed by the spokesperson of the specialisation in question.

There are study and examination plan master templates that are implemented in TUCaN. If you want to deviate from them, you have to submit a customised study and examination plan which has to be verified and confirmed by the spokesperson of the specialisation in question

The study and examination plan of the degree programme Master of Mechatronics lists the subjects that can be chosen.

In general, all modules of the Departments 1, 2, 3 and 15 , the Language Resource Centre and certain modules of other departments may be taken.

Please note that the module “Fluidsystems” is inactive. It is possible to choose an arbitrary module with minimum 4 CPs from the area 2.1.1 of the electives catalogue MB (mechanical engineering) and/or from the area 2.1.2of the electives catalogue etit that is part of the specialisation General Mechatronics instead. Please contact the Examination Management Office to replace the CPs with the ones of the respective module selected.

You can find the definition of the preparatory studies in the implementing provisions . In point 7 and 8 of the implementing provisions for §17a (1) to (5) of the general examination regulations of the TU Darmstadt.

There it says:

7. Im Fall von Abschlüssen, die nicht gleichwertig, aber im Wesentlichen ähnlich sind, können Bewerber zu einem maximal zweisemestrigen Vorbereitungsstudium zugelassen werden. Das Vorbereitungsstudium endet spätestens mit dem Ablauf des zweiten Fachsemesters.

8. Die Zulassung zum Vorbereitungsstudium erfolgt unter dem Vorbehalt nach § 54 Abs. 4 HHG mit der Auflage, die Prüfungen aller Fächer zu den in Anhang II aufgeführten Kernkompetenzen innerhalb zweier Fachsemester abzulegen. Weitere Auflagen sind unter Berücksichtigung der individuellen Kompetenzen im Masterstudiengang „Mechatronik“ im Umfang von bis zu 24 Kreditpunkten möglich.

In other words:

In the preparatory studies you complete modules, that close gaps, that are explicitly relevant for the master degree.

After successful completion of the preparatory studies you can access the master degree study without any further requirements.

Educational Accreditation

Yes, both degree programmes have been accredited by the ASIIN.

A change to the Master of Mechatronics is possible subject to certain conditions. The specific subjects to be covered and additional information can be found under Entry requirements .

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