
Here you will find an overview of the downloads that will help you plan your studies for the Bachelor’s degree programme in Mechatronics.

Bachelor of Science


All information regarding the examination registration and deregistration as well as the online form for the submission of medical certificates can be found on the website of the Department of etit .

The Bachelor's thesis can also be prepared in accordance with the new Examination Regulations 2014 either in the FB 16 (Department of Mechanical Engineering) or in the FB 18 (Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology – etit). Please note:

For an external thesis, Master Mechatronics students need a supervisor from the FB 18 or FB 16. The etit or Mechanical Engineering professor is the first supervisor (part of TU Darmstadt).

Guidelines for Theses

If you have obtained examinations in another degree programme or at another university and would like to have them recognised, please submit the application to the Service Centre etit. In addition, we require a certificate of academic achievement (transcript of records or certificate) and the module descriptions from you.

Application for recognition of examinations

As the 5th amendment to the APB has been in force since October 2015, the following applies with regard to a PO change:

As long as you do not submit an application, you will remain in the old examination regulations. If you want to change to the new examination regulations, you must apply for this. Please use our form for this purpose.

Once the change of examination regulations has been carried out on the basis of your application, you can no longer switch back to the old PO.

Please also note the equivalence tables.

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